Through the use of the powerful and effective practice of Yuan Qigong, Ren Xue and work to develop and cultivate my own life, I have discovered something profound, yet simple, life can be changed.
Too often our focus is on improving life on the outside, for example, trying to get other people to change, trying to earn more money or get a better job, or blaming others and the world when these things feel out of reach. Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting a better life and making an effort to make this happen, but when we are overly focused on changing the outside, we miss an opportunity to do something far more meaningful, making change to ourselves.
If you are ready to start this journey, have already begun but are looking for deeper support and guidance, or are experiencing problems in life and can’t seem to find a solution, I am here to help. As the saying goes, the only way out is in.
Three key areas to create the life you want
Improving Qi - your body's life force energy
Known by many other names in different cultures, for example, Prana in the Indian traditions or Ki in Japan, Qi (Chi) is your body’s life force energy and the most basic substance of the universe. In Ancient China exercises and meditations that came to be known as Qigong (Say it, Chi – Gong, meaning skill or ability with Qi) were developed over 7000 years ago. These exercises use gentle flowing movement, posture (for example sitting or standing meditations) of the body, and focus of the mind done in a deep meditative state to bring change to Qi.
If you would like to give Qigong a go I would highly recommend Yuan Qigong, it is safe, effective, easy to learn and enjoyable to practice.
Xin - the heart
In traditional Chinese Medicine and Qigong culture Xin, the spiritual heart, is seen as the house of Shen (the True Self) and mind. In Ren Xue the heart is seen as strongly connected with both the mind and True Self, and manifesting the True Heart and its natural qualities of Trust, Openness, Love, Gratitude and True Respect is of utmost importance.
To get an idea of what this means, consider the expressions: ‘home is where the heart is’, ‘speaking from the heart’, or ‘doing something from the heart.’
“Accept your imperfections with an open heart and treat yourself and everything with gratitude, true respect and love.“
– Yuan Tze
Clearing patterns create a bright, new life
Patterns are fixed habitual ways of responding to life, but at a level that we often cannot see. Some patterns are useful, for example once we learn to ride a bike or drive a car it becomes automatic, we can do complex tasks without needing to think about it. On the other hand they can be harmful, for example we might get angry at our partner or children automatically when we feel criticised.
Patterns form a complex web and unhealthy patterns affect our life in many ways, for example, our bodies Qi (energy) flow – and through this the health of the physical body, our energy levels, our emotion wellness and our relationship with those we love and the world.
Changing patterns is one of life’s big tasks, fundamentally it is about understanding who were really are. The Ren Xue system helps us to do this through a focus on improving Qi (an important measure for whether life is on track), helping you to experience and cultivate a deep meditative sate, develop the heart and through the use of methods designed to help you to connect with your True Self and from this special place change patterns at a deep level.
My personal experience of this work is that it can bring profound change in a way that is hard to describe.
“A man’s character is his fate.” – Heraclitus
“As a skilled and dedicated Ren Xue practitioner, Jay helps students gain balance and understanding in their lives. In a short period of time working with Jay, I gained more relief from patterns than in twenty years of work on myself. I highly recommend Jay as a teacher and practitioner.”
“Jay has a magical way of holding space and setting scene. Allowing plenty of time for my True Self to do the work. Working 1:1 with Jay feels so safe and expansive and authentic, I can’t wait for the next unfolding of what I need to see clearly. Working with him is like being on a rocket ship. Usually in the first 5 mins I realise the wisdom amongst the pattern I have been living within.
I feel empowered, making progress while feeling completely at home in my own choices and skin, and in each of the 1:1 sessions I have had with Jay I have felt and seen my next best steps. This direct and gentle support brings a strength to life I am very grateful for.”

I focus on helping people to discover and change deep seated patterns that are causing blockages in life. I use a variety of techniques, including Qi-energy healing, heart work, and guided Ling Yuan, a special method for changing patterns through conversation with the heart and True Self.
Book a Private Session
Each session is between 1 1/2 hours and 2 hours
I offer three different prices depending on your financial situation.
Price for one session
Low: $75
Mid: $85
High: $95
Price for 4 Sessions
Low: $260
Mid: $320
High: $340
– Be relaxed, calm and natural
– If you are living according to the last principle, your pure Qi will continually flow in abundance and with vigor.
– Mind, Shen or spirit is in a harmonious state and abiding inward, rather than being order-less, scattered and directed outward.
– Where can illness come from?
Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine